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MGB Meets FCF for Technical Conference on TSF and RSI Construction


The Mines and Geosciences Bureau Region II headed by the OIC, Regional Director, Engr. Mario A. Ancheta, invited FCF Minerals Corporation for a technical conference last February 24, 2014 to discuss the impending construction of the Tailings Storage Facility(TSF)/Residual Storage Impoundment (RSI).


The conference was held at the MGB Conference Hall. Mr. Craig Watkins, Country Manager, Ms. Agnes Goze, Environmental Manager, and Atty. Rosalie B. Soriano, Corporate Legal Counsel, graced said invitation.


Technical personnel from the MESD, MMD and GSD attended. Mr. Watkins presented the design and discussed the parameters of the TSF/RSI. He further explained that spillway will be constructed to drain the TSF/RSI and no decant tower/drainage tunnel. MGB RII expected from FCF Minerals Corporation the strict implementation that the TSF/RSI will be constructed based on the design parameters ensuring stability of the TSF/RSI over time. RD Ancheta requested to have more technical conferences regarding the matter so that the Office will be updated especially during the construction phase. Mr. Watkins concurred.


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